Cill Eilthín (Kilelton) Cross

SMR: KE037-024002-
Type: Cross Inscribed
Townland: Cill Eilthín Elton's Chruch

Cill Eilthín (Kilelton) Cross

INCH BEACH Description

A calluragh burial ground with cross-inscribed stone and hut sites situated beside the main Tralee to Camp road on a gentle N facing slope, c. 450m from Tralee Bay. Killelton oratory lies 300m to SE.
Dense vegetation prevented a detailed examination of the site but it appears to consist of a large, flat-topped mound of stones now less extensive than indicated on the 2nd edition of the OS map where it appears as an irregular area c. 75m long N-S and c. 30m wide at its centre but tapering towards the ends.
It is c. 1.5m high. Abutting the NW edge of the mound is a circular hut of drystone corbelled construction, its interior now occupied by a corrugated-iron shed. Its floor lies 2m below the top of the mound and .8m below the external ground level, and no portion of the outer face is now visible.

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