Leataoibh (Lateeve) Cross II

SMR: KE042-113011-
Type: Cross Inscribed
Townland: Leataoibh MórBig Half-side

Leataoibh (Lateeve) Cross


Teampall na Cluanach:Church of the meadow
Sub-rectangular enclosure KE042-113001- lies on a very gentle WNW facing slope and commands a good clear view in all directions, particularly NW to Smerwick Harbour.
Within it can be seen the remains of an oratory, a 2nd building which is possibly a church, and 2 possible hut sites.
Leachts: Centrally positioned in the S half of the enclosure are 2 parallel mounds of stone, including a large quantity of quartz.
The W mound measures 5.5m N-S x 2.5m E-W x .6m in height and its W limit is marked by the 2 cross-inscribed stones and by a single course of stone facing. The E mound measures 5.25m N-S x 3.5m E-W x .6m in height. Cross-inscribed stone: The S stone stands 1.58m high and is .32m wide at base.
Its W face is inscribed with a triple-barred cross, the crossing of the shaft and upper bar being formed by an outline lozenge. There are bifurcated terminals to the upper and lower arms and hook-like bifurcated terminals to the head and base of the cross; the terminals of the middle bar take the form of outline triangles. A small plain cross occurs near the base of the same face.
The above description is derived from J. Cuppage, ‘Corca Dhuibhne. Dingle Peninsula archaeological survey. Ballyferriter. Oidhreacht Chorca Dhuibhne’ (1986), no. 866.

Site recorded by:

Helene Brennan