Cinn Ard (Kinard) Rock Art

SMR: KE053-054----
Type: Rock Art
Townland: Cinn ArdHigh Headland

Kinard Rock Art

DINGLE Description

In improved pasture (77m OD), on a very gentle NNW-facing slope.
Good views W to N to NE, including sea to W and directly overlooked by higher ground to S, where there is a distinctive crag.
A substantial ex-situ boulder partially incorporated into linear field boundary along western side and protruding into field, on E side.
This large boulder has been cleared from its earthfast position as recorded by Finlay (1973, 12-3), and lay for a time, decorated face downwards, beside the field fence to W. It has now been righted and the markings have suffered somewhat from the moves.
A smooth and unfractured sandstone (dims. 3.85m N-S; 2.10m E-W; max. H 1.05m) with a semi-circular decorated surface (dims. 2.60m N-S; 1.00m E-W) having a N-facing aspect, which bears numerous decorative elements. The motifs are in a reasonably good condition and consist of at least twenty-three motifs located upon top of stone including a cup-and-three ring motif, half of which is obscured by heavy mosses.
Five substantial cup-and-two-ring motifs (overall dims. 23-30cm; ring Wth 2-2.5cm; D 5mm) are to E and SE.
Five, smaller cup-and-ring motifs and one partial cup-and-ring motif are in and around the larger ones. Twelve cupmarks (diam. 5-6.5cm; D 5-9mm) form part of the decorated surface including a cluster of eight upon lower portion of stone at N end.
The W-facing aspect is obscured by a dense growth of moss and is overshadowed by vegetation from the field boundary. Radial grooves extend from two of the cup-and-two-ring elements, one of the cup-and-one ring motifs and one of the cupmarks. A rough, oblong depression appears naturally formed, to SW.
Compiled by: Alison McQueen and Vera Rahilly
This information comes from the entry for this stone on the website

Site recorded by:

Kathleen Reen