An Bhreac-chluain (Brackloon) Rock Art

SMR: KE045-082----
Type: Rock Art
Townland: An Bhreac-chluainSpeckeled Meadow


DUNQUIN Description

A standing stone (KE045-083001-), cup-marked stone and possible cist are grouped in close proximity to one another, overlooking the Anascaul valley from the level summit of a local E-W rise in generally undulating pasture at the foot of Knockafeehane.
Rock art motifs cover almost the entire surface of the boulder which measures 2.4m x 1.9m x at least .4m thick.
There appear to be at least 48 cup-marks, 2 cup-and-circles, one with a radial groove extending through a gap in the circle, a cup-and-radial groove, and also a pair of cup-marks partly enclosed by an incomplete oval.
Some of the isolated, curvilinear grooves may be natural. At the NW edge a fragment of the stone has broken away removing part of the design.

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