In the autumn of 2015, Músaem Chorca Dhuibhne/Oidhreacht
Chorca Dhuibhne, at the invitation of the Discovery Programme
and the Ogham in 3D project, held an introductory session in
Baile an Fheirtéaraigh to introduce people to the concept
of producing 3D models of carved stone antiquities (with the
emphasis initially on ogham stones) using the Structure from
Motion (SfM) technique.
Two follow-up training sessions took place in the spring of
2016, and, with generous sponsorship from the Kerry Group, this
project was initiated. The Dingle Peninsula has one of the greatest
concentrations of surviving archaeological monuments in the
A detailed survey of most of these monuments was carried out
by Oidhreacht Chorca Dhuibhne in the early 1980s, and published
as the Archaeological Survey of the Dingle Peninsula (Cuppage,
J. et al., Ballyferriter, 1986), now out of print.
The archive
of that survey, with detailed notes on each site, is housed
in Músaem Chorca Dhuibhne and can be consulted by appointment,
by contacting the curator at info@westkerrymuseum.com.
The aim of the current project is to record as many carved stone
monuments (ogham stones, rock art, cross slabs etc.) using this
exciting technique which enables the objects to be viewed in
3D, through the use of basic digital photography. The images
taken are processed by specialist software that produces a 3D
model, which can be viewed from any angle and with the light
source projected from any direction. This allows marks and carvings
not always detectable by the human eye and under normal light,
to be detected and analysed. Already new discoveries have been
made, and all completed models will be shown on this web site,
along with some general information about the sites themselves.
This community project has only begun, and is open to all who might have
an interest. The basic tool is a digital camera - and time. Please enjoy
browsing through our site.
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