Baile an Ásaigh (Ballinasig) Standing Stone

SMR: KE043-172- -- -
Type: Gallán
Townland: Baile an ÁsaighBaile an fhásaig[h]: Townland of the Wilderness (P.W. Joyce)


DINGLE Description

A low standing stone situated on level reclaimed pastureland at the head ofthe valley which extends NE from Dingle Town.
It stands 1.45m high but is broken across the top of its S side and may originally have been taller.
At base it measures 1.04m x .5m; N-S.
The above description is derived from J. Cuppage, ‘Corca Dhuibhne. Dingle Peninsula archaeological survey. Ballyferriter. Oidhreacht Chorca Dhuibhne’ (1986), no. 72.
Thanks to our project, it has been recognised that there are 3 (possibly 4, one being broken) crosses carved in a line along the broken top of this stone.

Site recorded by:

Cyril Harrington