Na Gleannta Thuaidh Cross Slab I

SMR: KE043-028007
Type: Cross Slab
Townland: Na Gleannta ThuaidhNorth Glen

Na Gleannta Thuaidh

DINGLE Description

This circular enclosure, in use until the 19th century as a calluragh burial ground (KE043-028001-) (OSNB Dingle, book 2, 20), is situated on the S side of the valley that lies between the W spurs of Brandon Peak and Ballysitteragh mountain.
The foundations of 3 huts can be traced within the enclosure, and the remainder of the interior is completely taken up with graves, the majority of which are low mounds c. 1.25 to 1.5m long and .5m high, often defined at their E and W ends by low upright stones.
A cross-slab (1) lies loose on one of these graves and a 2nd cross-slab (2) stands upright on a cairn of stones which lies about 10m E of the enclosure. The enclosure measures 34m E-W x 31.5m N-S internally.
Its enclosing wall is now largely reduced to a band of stone collapse, up to .5m high, the inner and outer faces visible only intermittently.
In the N sector, the wall is surmounted by a modern field wall, and a laneway skirts the W part of the site.
Access to the interior is provided by a 1.5m wide gap at ESE. A large upright slab, 1.25m high, lines the N side of the gap and a slab of similar dimensions stands at right angles to the first on the S side.


The above description is derived from J. Cuppage, ‘Corca Dhuibhne. Dingle Peninsula archaeological survey. Ballyferriter. Oidhreacht Chorca Dhuibhne’ (1986), no. 841. In certain instances the entries have been revised and updated in the light of recent research.

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