Cill Maoilchéadair (Kilmalkedar) Holy Well

SMR: KE042-026011
Type: Holy Well
Townland: Cill MaoilchéadairMaoilchéadair's Church

Kilmalkedar Holy Well


The Early Christian and Medieval ecclesiastical complex at Kilmalkedar (KE042-026----) lies at the foot of the W slopes of Reenconnell hill, overlooking Smerwick Harbour.
The Reenconnell ridge peaks at 907 feet/276m to NE of the site and the area around Kilmalkedar is sheltered on its N and S sides by spurs of this hill.
The holy well located in the field to W of the roadway is now dry but the lintelled hollow that marks its site is still preserved.
The cross-inscribed stone standing beside it is .92m high and bears a plain Latin cross on its W face.

Site recorded by:

Kathleen Reen