An Dún Rua (Doonroe)

Baile na hAbha

SMR: KE034-001
Type: ?
Townland: Baile na hAbhaRivertown



Description: Doonroe/ An Dún RuaThe Red Fort lies at the foot of Mount Brandon between two narrow inlets of the sea, Coosatna Cuas an tSnámha [Swimming creek] and Coosavuddig Cuas an Bhodaigh [creek of the Clown] (Brandon Creek).
There is no trace of the enclosure (KE034-001002- ) noted by Westropp as abutting the wall about 35 feet (c. 10.7m) from the entrance.
However, at the SW corner of the interior he noted another (KE034-001001- ) which still survives.
This is a sub-circular enclosure measuring a maximum of 42 x 36m with a possible entrance at NE defined by 2 upright slabs set .9m apart. The low, narrow enclosing bank is composed of grass-covered earth and peat with numerous stones.
The majority of the stones, c. 1.5m long and less than .5m high, are set transversely across the width of the bank. At the E end of the S wall is a modern sheep-shelter or turf-shed.


The above description is derived from J. Cuppage, 'Corca Dhuibhne. Dingle Peninsula archaeological survey. Ballyferriter. Oidhreacht Chorca Dhuibhne' (1986), no. 265. In certain instances the entries have been revised and updated in the light of recent research.
This stone was modelled as it was thought there might be carvings on it, but thanks to carrying out this work, it can now be seen that they are all natural.

Site recorded by:

Helene Brennan