Cill Mhaoilchéadair (Kilmalkedar) Sundial

SMR: KE042-026002-
Type: Miscellaneous
Townland: Cill MhaoilchéadairMhaoilchéadair's Church

Cill Mhaoilchéadair (Kilmalkedar) Sundial


The Early Christian and Medieval ecclesiastical complex at Kilmalkedar (KE042-026----) lies at the foot of the W slopes of Reenconnell hill, overlooking Smerwick Harbour (Cuppage et al/1986, 308).
The Reenconnell ridge peaks at 907 feet/276m to NE of the site and the area around Kilmalkedar is sheltered on its N and S sides by spurs of this hill.
'The early Christian and medieval site at Kilmalkedar covers a large area ... Although reputedly founded by Maolcethair in the seventh century, the site is associated with St Brendan. The church was probably built in the mid twelfth century and remained important throughout the medieval period. Existing remains from the early Christian period include a corbelled building, perhaps a cell, some 50 m from the church, an ogham stone, the sundial stone, a plain stone cross and some bullaun stones.
There is also St Brendan's oratory, situated some 400 m from the church. Existing buildings dating from medieval times include the Romanesque church with some fine architectural sculpture, St Brendan's House and the Chancellor's House. There are also two wells and a number of cross-inscribed stones in the graveyard
' (Okasha/Forsyth/2001, 171).